Membership Information

Why Become a Member?
You may be asking yourself ‘what can I do for my community’, ‘how can I make an impact’, ‘how can I put my skills to work’? GreeneBucs is a great way to provide community service, make new friends, network with others, and make great business contacts.
Professional growth, honing leadership skills, finding a fulfilling activity outside your normal work life are all possible; but the biggest benefit of becoming a member is to witness the smile on a child or adult’s face when they receive an Amtryke. If you want to get an idea of what being an Greenebuc / Ambuc is about, attend a meeting or event. Guests are always welcome.

Membership Eligibility
Joining Greenebucs / Ambucs is easy! We ask that prospective members be of good community standing and willing to pledge themselves to abide by the Chapter bylaws, and the national AmBucs, inc. Bylaws. Those who do shall be eligible for membership. All persons seeking membership must be first sponsored for membership by another member in good standing.

Kinds Of Membership
There are four (4) types of memberships as follows: Active, Friends, Corporate and Life.

  1. Active Members. An active member is one who has paid the membership fee, which includes local chapter dues, national dues, regional and or district dues. Active members are voting members at all levels and receive the national magazine. . Active members have full rights of membership, including the right to hold office, chair committees, or hold a position on the Board of Directors.
  2. Friends’ Members. Friends’ Members may or may not be affiliated with a chapter and are those persons who wish to contribute to the goals of national AmBucs, Inc. Without the obligation of active membership. Friend’s Members receive the national magazine.They pay an annual fee set by the national board of directors. Any local chapter with which they are affiliated may set additional fees. Friends Members may not vote, hold office, chair committees, or hold a position on the Board of Directors. Friends’ members are always welcome to attend chapter meetings, chapter events, and socials. Friends members may not attend national or regional conferences unless as an invited guest of an Active Member
  3. Corporate Member: Up to 3 members; but one vote; membership acknowledged in publications; two tickets to the Holiday Auction and all the benefits of a full membership including the national magazine.
  4. Life Members. To become a life member, an individual must be an active member in good standing in a chapter. Who, upon payment of a fee determined by the national board of directors, is issued a certificate of life Membership. Life Memberships are only offered on a limited basis, usually during a Ambuc National Conference or Event.

Links to Membership Forms

Active Membership

To be completed by Chapter Secretary Only

Friends Membership

Can be completed by the Applicant.

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